The Ballad of Jack and Rose

You have a vision, too, right?
My land is like a blot
on your perfect universe.

When you see all these box houses...
these imitation colonial homes...
you get a feeling of what?
Of everything being in its place.
Of accomplishment.

Right. When I see them...
I want to punch a hole through the walls,
set fire to them.

The main difference
between you and me, really...

is that you love those little houses...
and I hate those little houses.
It all boils down to taste.
I've ruined her
out of some kind of snobbery.

Ruined whom?
Dad, let's go home.
It was about something different.
I know it was, but I can't remember,
God forgive me.

- I can't remember what it was.
- I remember.

Do you need a doctor?
Does he need a doctor?

Oh, God.
All right, Marty, you win. I'll sell.
It's my land still. I want to sell it.
That's great, but just think about it.
- I'll come by tomorrow.
- I don't need to think about it.

- I want to get rid of it.
- No!

We'll talk about it in the morning.
I'll come by...

No! Write me a fucking check, you imbecile.
- Let me drive you. Let me help you.
- Please don't.

Turns out Marty is a decent guy.
