The Business

Which is?
- The mayor.
- So?

What are we gonna do? Kill the geezer?
Here, one of you two talk some sense
into this fucking div.

What else are we gonna do?
- What do you mean?

Well, what else are we gonna do?
Shut up shop and fuck off back to Peckham?

This geezer can close us down in an hour.

Now, I don't wanna be your mate,
but am I talking bollocks here?

Can he be got at?
Course he can be got at. Anyone can be got at.
We do this one thing together
and then we go our own way.
No agg.
You got any tools?
Bring 'em.
Ta-ta, Charles.
How the fuck did they know we was here?
I don't fucking know.
Like I told you earlier,
- drugs make you greedy.
- Bollocks.

And we were about to blow the lot,
down to cocaine.

We'd fucked with the old country.
They'd had enough.

They shut us down, took away everything we
had before we could even chop out another line.
