The Constant Gardener

They spent the night at Lodwar.
They shared a room; Justin.
The dead black isn't Arnold Bluhm.
Most terribly sorry.
And how sure are you?
It's not looking good.
good of you to tell me, Sandy.
Can't have been easy.
[Justin's Voice]
Diplomacy; therefore;
as we've demonstrated;

is the very map and marker
of civilization,

pointing nations the safest way
through country...

fraught with peril.
And that's it.
Uh; Sir Bernard Pellegrin has asked me
to convey his; uh; regrets...

that he's been unable to deliver
his lecture in person.

And I thank you on my own behalf
for your very kind attention.

Thank you.
Excuse me. Excuse me.

Yeah? Yeah, sorry.
Excu- Excuse me.

Sir, I've just got one question.
I just wondered whose map,
um, is Britain using...

when it completely ignores the United Nations
and decides to invade Iraq?

[Audience Chuckles]
Or do you- do you think...

it's more diplomatic to bend
to the will of a superpower...
