The Great Raid

They must be retreating.
Even the press is leaving.

Hey major, Mori's leaving too.
Let's think you were right, kid.
General McArthur has
got them on the run.

They're not on the run, they've
got orders to fight to the last man.

- It's a trap.
- God damn elaborate one.

We walk out of those gates, it'll give
them the perfect excuse to kill us.

Since when do they need an excuse?
I don't know about you, but I'm getting
out of here before they changed their minds!

How far do you think
you'll get, captain?

Even if the Japs shall retreat,
jungle is gonna be crawling with them.

What's wrong with that, we're
still soldiers, ain't we?

Hey, major's right. Where are we
gonna go? Almost no one can walk.

I don't recall inviting you, kid.
But I'm the one to be behind.
I never said we'd all leave
but at least some of us might.

If we sit tight, all of us will make it.
Our troops can't be far now.
It's like you got
yourself a disciple, Gibby.

Don't be so quick, listen to him.
Running won't make any easier for you.
Don't worry, I won't escape
without your permission.

How can they still believe in God.
