The Interpreter

Keller? Lewis.
The global cell belongs to Jean Gamba.

- Got the times of the calls?
- Yeah.

Day before yesterday, 3.30 pm.
Anything there?

- Day before yesterday, 3.30?
- 3.30, yeah.

Call it. No, have Lewis call.
- I'm Lewis.
- Clark, I mean.

- No, King. And he's dialing.
- Extension 647.

The bus. Right after.
I want to know who he called.

It's King. It's the Matoban mission.
An extension.

- Lud?
- No, someone named Marcus Matu.

Head over. I need a face for that name.
She's booked 9 am, JFK.
- I'm on the LIE. Almost there.
- Call me from the gate.

Not as much sky as I remember,
but more skyscrapers.

23 years, Dr. Zuwanie. Things change.
They diminish.
Desire diminishes.
- Where is the Second Avenue?
- Just after we get off the bridge.

They decorated the bridge.
