The Longest Yard

اقض الخمسة و عشرين عاماً
القادمة في السجن

حسناً سأفعلها
ولكن لا أريد لرجالي أن
يتعرضوا للأذى , اتفقنا ؟

أتعرف ما يضايقني ؟
أنك لن تكون هناك معنا
تلقى ما سيحصل لك

الشيء الوحيد الذي سيحصل لي
هو النصر

هذا ظريف
كابتن , هل أحدثك ؟
لا تقلق سنهتم بالأمر
لقد فعلت هذا
يمكننا أن نربح هذه المباراة

Give me that blackboard.
Yeah, come on!
Come on.
Are you serious?
I don't know. That play is wack.
It's gonna work.
It's gonna work. Let's go. On the ball.
Come on! Let's go!
Let's go, y'all! Let's go!
I think it's gonna work.
Get them out there.
And wait a minute.
Crewe is coming back into the game.

The cons are gonna go for the win.
They're going for it.
Crewe, trying to settle his team
into formation.

But there seems to be
a lot of confusion.

Come on! Run the play!
Turley! Turley. Over here.
Move your giant ass right here!
Right here.

Come on, baby. Come on.
The play clock is still running.
Crewe better call a time-out.

Come on, Crewe!
They don't know what we're doing!
Run the play we set up.
I think you're still dizzy from that hit!
