The Longest Yard

- Team's looking great.
- Oh, yeah.

- So are you.
- Yep. Working on it.

The blood of the guards is gonna flow
like the rivers of ancient Babylon.

That's good news.
Unger, you're the man.

Good job today. You're all starting
to look really sharp out there. Yeah.

See you tomorrow.
- We're gonna suck.
- Yeah. No doubt about it.

You look like
you could use a little help.

No offense, my man,
but you're a little seasoned.

I'm not asking to play. I'll coach.
I'm Nate Scarborough.

Nate Scarborough?
The Heisman Trophy winner
from Oklahoma?

The inmate from cellblock D.
But about a hundred years ago,
when I could run and gun,

yeah, I was a Sooner then.
I heard you were dead.
No, I ain't dead.
I've been right here, rotting.

Waiting for a chance to get back
at those sadistic guards.

Waiting. For this.
Well, coach, as you can see,
we don't exactly have the cream
of the crop to work with here.

Well, what are we gonna do?
How are we gonna find players?

How'd they get you
to go to Florida State?

They recruited me.
I'll get the strippers.
Well, now, Lindsay, this isn't
about credit or congratulations.

This is about giving men
who've made mistakes in their lives

an opportunity
to rise above themselves.

To move beyond
the bars of containment.

Say what?
What I would do to you.
Yeah. Nice boot, skin man.
