The Longest Yard

He's really, really fast.
I mean, he's so fast,
he makes fast people look not fast.

I got it, he's fast.
Now, why don't you show us your speed
and get your pyro ass out of here.

Yes, sir. Here I go. I'm sorry.
Any books
you'd recommend, inmate?

No, sir.
Not much of a reader.
Oh, come on, now, maggot.
I've seen you in here reading before.

You requested this detail.
Isn't that right?

No. It's the quiet time I like, sir.
Maybe you'd like to read this.
What the hell kind of bullshit
book is that?

It's historical. Sir.
Now, why would he want to read
a book about a four-eyed nigger?

Does the N word
offend you, nigger?

No, sir.
Sorry about that.
You mind fetching
these books for me, boy?

No, sir.
Just pick them up.
Put them on the table.

There you go.
You forgot one.
Bet you'd like to hit us, huh?
Hit you, sir? No.
Y'all my friends.
