The Longest Yard

My arm!
The cons recover!
We got the ball! We got the ball!
We got it! We got it!

With just over two minutes left to be
played, this has turned into a game.

Crewe will start in great field position
at the guards' 25.

And look at this formation.
The guards, they're confused.

Shift over! Move!
They're trying to call time-out,
but there's the snap.

Moss is behind a wall of cons. I
wouldn't wanna be in front of that thing.

And they'll score!
- Hey! Is that legal?
- Yeah, it is.

- Is that a touchdown?
- Yes, it is.

What is going on here? Shit!
And with the extra point,
the cons are down by just seven.

- Brucie!
- Yeah. Yeah, coach.

I want you to go out there
and kick off.

- I can do it.
- Kick off!

Brucie can't kick worth a shit.
I know. Recover the ball.
Jesus Christ, my savior.
If you help me out with this one,

I promise to stop cheating on my wife
with black guys. Amen.

Back in the game is Brucie,
and he'll do the honors.

And it's a horrible kick.
But the ball is tipped!
And the cons have come up with it!
- We got it! One time-out.
- Got it. Got it.

That's it, Brucie. Hey, hey!
My bad. My bad. My bad. Come on.

Give me that.
Well, that felt unnecessary.
Cons have enough time
for one final drive.

Crewe drops back to pass.
He's under pressure.

- Watch the pass!
- He's looking for Deacon.

He gets the ball up, but he's leveled.
And Deacon's got it for a first down,
but he stayed inbounds.
