The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper

Oh... yeah.
Now, let's go!
Oh! That's perfect!
Just the thing for a sad polar bear.

Adrenalin sweating sardines.
These tracks are fresh.

He's close, I can feel it.
What kind of cut-rate junk is this?
It's lousy workmanship,
that's what it is.

We may have a problem.
Look at all this junk,
these are no good at all! Junk!

We need to get closer.
10 o'clock, men.

Plan, plan, plan!
So this is where you're hiding
all the good stuff!

He's in trouble!
- Kaboom.
- Lay down, soldier!

We're in observation mode.
Now, this is workmanship.
So, where's the goshdang squeaker
on this thing?

It's gotta have a squeaker...
Now, that's more like it.
Hey, stupid! I want this one.
- Grand Coulee Dam!
- Where's my change?!

Private's been captured!
Not on my watch, blue hair.
Hey, I'm walking here!
Do I got a tip for you?
Drop dead!

Good evening, m'am,
Merry Christmas to you.

Buzz off!
How are we gonna get inside?
Kaboom, kaboom.
I have a better idea.
Oh, boy, that's gonna hurt!