The Perfect Man

When you fell.
You know, from heaven.

'Cause I was just thinking
with a face like that...

you gotta be an angel, right?
Has that line
ever worked for you?

Well, I got you to laugh,
right? That's Step One.

I'm Lenny Horton.
I'm the bread manager.

I make, you know, the bread.
We got Italian bread,
French bread, bulky rolls...

different kinds
of kaiser rolls, pita bread.

You like pita bread?
I'm Jean.

This is
my daughter, Holly.

Hey, how you doing, Holly?
Great, and I think we gotta go
before you learn Step Two.

Lenny, tell me
you didn't use
the heaven line.

First days at new schools
always feel the same.

Like suddenly
you're on a new planet,
breathing a new atmosphere.

Can you scan this
into Match. Com?

Mom, I'm busy.
Doing what?
Do you have to
do this right away?

Can't you just
wait this time...

and see if you meet a guy
the normal way?

Have you seen these lines?
I am in a race against time.
Now get on in there
and scan this thing.

Every second counts.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.

If a student brings
a cell phone to school,
it will be confiscated...

regardless of how...
Excuse me.
I don't even know
why we're here.

It's not like they're
going to be my teachers
four months from now.

That's negative imaging,

...are not permitted
in the school building.

Only winter hats
will be permitted between
the months of November...

and February
and kept in your lockers.

Now, I'd like to introduce
to you the Head of our
Guidance Department.

Dr. Charles Fitch.
All right, Fitchy!

Hey, Fitch!
Hey, Dr. Fitch!
Hey there, everyone.

Let me tell you how I run
the Guidance Department.

I have an open-door policy,
which means you can
stop by my office...

whenever you want.
I also have
an open-mind policy.
