The Perfect Man

a powerful alliance
with a prince or go it alone.

Which is she gonna choose?
I think she's going to go
with the prince.

Oh, yeah.

He's kind of a great guy,
you know.

He's handsome.
He's very nice.

And the thing with the...
Jousting. Yes.

You should see him joust.
He is like Joe Jouster.

Any time that anybody
ever wants to hang out
with him...

he's like "Guys,
I can't. I've gotta
practice my jousting. "

Do you want to sit?
I made plans
with someone. So...

I thought you weren't
much of a planner.

Yeah. Right.
Holly? Do you think
we're going to stay here?

I don't know. Why?
There's a big spelling bee
coming up with
all the other schools.

My teacher entered me.
I bet you're
going to win that. You're the
best speller I know.

Yeah. Only, it's not
for a couple of months.

Well, you never know,
we might still be here.

I hope so.
I've never entered anything.

Hi, girls.
Mommy, are you sick?
You don't look normal.
I got a letter.
What kind of letter?
It's a love letter.
What does it say?
One second.
Hey, you! Give me that!
"My dearest Jean.
"The letters J-E-A-N
used to spell out just
another word for denim. "

This guy is great, Mom.
"But, since I found you,
I hear those
four-letter words...

"and all I think about is
another four-letter-word:

"love. L-O-V-E."
