The Perfect Man

But remember,
coffee can be hot.

It can have an intensity
like you've never felt before.

Searing deep into your flesh.
Is he joking?
Your tender, vulnerable...
so-easily-hurt flesh.
So be sure to ask
for a protective sleeve
when you pick up your coffee.

Maybe ask for another one
to slip over your heart.

Thank you.
And I bought
these butterfly clips
so that you can use it...

and clip the braids back.
But don't pull.

It hurts.

Okay, I'm taking Zoe
to her play date, then
I'm going to Gloria's shower.

Don't burn the place down.
Wow. Look at you.
Where they having it,
at the Ritz?

Close to it.
Some whoop-de-do spot
named the River Bistro.


Isn't that way over
everybody's budget?

Yeah, but Gloria's
cousin's wife works
with their dairy guy...

and he got her a deal
on the party room.

I heard the food's
really bad there.

Everyone who eats there
gets really sick.
Vomiting for days.

I'll take my chances.
Let's go, sweetie.

Where is he?
I don't know.

Maybe the restaurant.
Maybe home.

Okay, you go
to the restaurant. I'm going
to go to his place.

If I see him,
I'll stall him.
Now, what's his address?

"To begin again in Egypt. "
Seven letters.
Oh, The Times thinks
they're so clever.

Hey, thank God you're here.

Who is this?
It's Holly.

Amy's friend, Holly.
