The Ring Two

I was hoping
to speak with you as well.

It's Rachel, isn't it?
Yeah, about his situation.

Sorry, what kind
of doctor did you say you were again?

I'm a psychiatrist.
Yeah. I spoke with a Dr...
...Koji in Seattle. Aidan's doctor.
Look, if we could
maybe talk later.

Right. Dr Koji mentioned
that you dealt with some PPD

when Aidan was born.
Postpartum depression.
That was the first month.
That's all.

I understand. It's very common.
I mean, a lot of women have trouble
adapting to the stresses of motherhood.

What does this have to do with
what's going on with my son right now?

Have you been
under stress lately?

Have you ever found that you were...
...unable to experience love for Aidan?
- What?
- Have you hurt him,

however unintentionally?
Have you left him alone?
Abandoned him?

I'd like to be with my son,
please, if you don't mind.

Yeah, of course.
I'm sorry, Rachel.
Until we can talk further,
I cannot let you be alone with him.
I'm his mother.
There are bruises on his body.
He was hypothermic
and very near death.

That is not because of me.
He's gonna
be all right. He will.

But you need to leave.
Now, please.
You can't have him,

You're going back
to where you came from.
