The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

What am I supposed to be saying here?
Oh, just, stuff about your life.
Well, there ain't nothing
too interesting.

We're not really looking for interesting.
It's just real, you know.

-That's the point of a documentary.
-A what?

A documentary.
Like a movie, only boring.
Hi, l think this is yours.
They delivered it to my house by mistake.

They must've got
the numbers screwed up.

See, this says 721 and l'm 27 1 .
l'm Bailey Graffman.

Yeah, you're the one that fainted
the other day, right?

-At Wallmans. l was there.
-Oh, yeah.

You're the weird girl
with the price sticker on your forehead.

Wait here, l got something for you.
lt was lying next to you.
l opened it to see if there was an lD.

So you ripped off my wallet?
That's kind of like a thank you
but different.

l think l had more than $4 in here.
Do you seriously think
l would steal your money?

l opened it to see
if there was an lD in there.

Okay? There wasn't. There was a school
photo and a pathetic picture of a kitten.

So, what's in yours?
A Wallmans' employee card
or a license to ride a bike?

Excuse me, l get my learner's permit
next week and--
