The Syrian Bride

I'll miss you.
I'll be lonely there.
I'm afraid.
Don't be afraid.
Tallel will love you
and you'll love him.

It won't be
like your previous marriage.

It's different this time.
What makes you so sure?
Life with him could turn out
to be a lot worse than my life now.

Perhaps I'm going from one jail
to another one.

Stop it.
You'll have a much better life there.
And what if we don't get along?
I won't be able to come back here.
Stop being so pessimistic!
Stop it!
I'm marrying someone
I only know from television.

At least you knew Amin
before you married him.

Knew him?
I saw him once
when he came to fix our roof!

A week later we were engaged...
A month later married...
And then I was pregnant.
