The Upside of Anger

Hey. Well... ah... look,
let me come in.

Come on, if yo...
if you don't want,

I won't talk. I'll just sit there
and I'll drink with you.

There was a large mob...
of angry demonstrators
here today,

proving that a number
of people are willing to go and fight.

- The feeling is that...
- I got her to school.

Thank you.
You know I'm going back
to school in the morning,

you're gonna get her
yourself tomorrow.

Billy Edwards on my bus says
that when you get really drunk,

you get friendly and you sign baseballs
without bitching about it.

- He does?
- Yeah.

So, you got any
baseballs around?

Why don't you run
down the street to my house.

I got a...
stack of boxes in my garage.
There's a key under my mat.

You grab one of those boxes.
You bring it back here.

One box.
Anything she makes...
I'm gonna split with her.
Buddy, Goddamn you!

What's the big deal? He wasn't licking
it more than three seconds.

The three second thing is for floors,
not dogs' mouths.

He spends all day
licking other dogs' asses.

Oh, let's just call
for take-out.

It's fine. You guys, it's good chicken.
It's fine.

Like you'd eat it?
