Three... Extremes

Do you know what love is?
Don't pity yourself for losing your fingers
They don't deserve any tears
Because you can play shit
Plus, you don't cook and you never clean...
You hands have no use anyway
other than wearing jewelry

What is an artist without talent?
Not existing! A "nothing"
Like a ring without a hole or a square ball!
Get it?

If you can't play, it'll be nice and quiet here
It's so much lighter for you to wave "Bye-bye"!
No, no, no, not yet
There's something else I've been trying to say...
I've been holding it back
for a whole 10 years now

Screw you, bitch!
Truth is, she has an affair too
Know the tenor she plays accompaniment for?
He's her lover! Do you know?
I saw it all when I was following her around
Am I wrong? Speak up for yourself
Oh, I forgot you're gagged
But you can nod, can't you?
Do what you should do!
Ah... You already knew!
Didn't you? Didn't you?
How about this
I'm kind of depressed
So if you really want to buy some time...
