
You start feeling guilty,
tell your wife, some tennis pal.

We will be fucked in a heartbeat.
Do you understand?
Do you understand me? Because I will
not let you fuck the cork on this!

Look what you made me do.
- Here.
- Fuck you and fuck your bottom line!

You can keep the money.
You hear me? I'm out!

- There is no out. Not tonight.
- Watch me.

Don't do this. Not now.
Not while we're so close.

- You're making a big mistake.
- No, Gavin.

I'm correcting one.
This isn't just about you and me.
There are other people involved.

Powerful people. People who
don't like last minute changes!

The day I hired you,
do you know what I saw?

I saw a man who had nothing and
who was capable of everything.

I saw a man who deserved more.
A lot more.

Hell. I saw me.
I'm not you.
Hey! Mr. Weaver.
I didn't think you were still here.

- Everything okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay, Eddie.

I bet you make a lot of overtime.
Working all these hours.
