Torremolinos 73

Do you have
a life insurance policy?

This is genuine otter...
Call me on Monday.
I'm sure you need
life insurance.

And an accident insurance policy.
Let's go, Jose Carlos.
We're going to be late for church.

Call me.
I have to talk to Don Carlos.
This can't go on.

And finally the Copenhagen
Institute of Sexual Research

sends its congratulations!
The "World Audiovisual
Encyclopedia of Reproduction"

has been a success.
Charly, Charly.
- Look who it is!
- It's Máximo Valverde.

Máximo Valverde.
How are you?
I'm so glad to see you!

What's up?
What are you doing now?

Shooting a spaghetti western
in Almería.

They're in style.
The star is Telly Savalas,
and as usual I'll be the ladies' man.

You never stop.
Come and join us.

- Of course!
- Waiter!

Let me introduce you
to my niece Vanessa...

- My employee Alfredo López,
- A pleasure.

- How do you do?
- And his wife Carmen.

A pleasure.
Juan Luis Hurtado,
at your service.

Tell me, what are you going to
do after this movie?

I have something to tell you,
Don Carlos.
