
- Tak se hraje zlato!
- Neke. To byl faul.

- To ani neøíkej.
- Hej nech to. Byl to faul.

- Hej kapitáne, jsme v jednom týmu.
- Mùžeš lhát i mì.

- Jasnì.
- Hej, hej.

- Kapitán Delgado?
- Ano.

- Jsem z úøadu vládního zmocnìnce.
Mùžete na moment?

- Samozøejmì.
- Toto je student z Westbury.

Tìlo jsme našli pøed dvìma dny
u školy.

Jmenoval sa Warren Williams.
- Proè mì informujete o pøípadu
mimo mùj okrsek?

- Game, baby!
- Whatever. You charged.

- Don't say that.
- Hey, knock it off. You did charge.

- Hey, Cap, we on the same team.
- You could've fooled me.

- A'ight.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Captain Delgado.
- Yeah.

I'm with the commissioner's office.
Could I have a moment?

- Sure.
- Student at the Westbury School.

Body was found just off campus
two nights ago.

His name was Warren Williams.
Why am I being briefed
about a case outside my jurisdiction?

Several influential parents send their kids
to Westbury, including the mayor.

- I know. My daughter went there.
- Which is why the mayor sent me to you.

The death looks to be accidental.
We need to make sure.

- As discreetly as possible.
- Undercover?

That's right. No one else knows
we're going inside except the mayor.

Look no further, sir. Officer Tre Stokes III,
aka "The Young Gun..."

Aka 23-year-old bike cop
with no undercover experience.
