
You come up with any leads, any leads,
you report them to Brooks and Gallecki.

They're your backup, OK?
Check in with them every day.

Twice a day.
Look, just stay out of trouble on this one.
Better get to bed early.
It's a school night.

I can't pass for a student.
Look, I got whiskers.

If you look, it's two and then a shadow...
I got more hair on my ass.
You should put some of that
on your head.

That's your boy.
I know high school doesn't bring back
good memories for you,

but this is your chance
to do things different.

Maybe you can finish your last semester,
get your diploma.

- I got my GED.
- Yeah, you took the easy way out.

- Brooks, look. I'm a cop, not a student.
- Well, now you're both.

I'll handle this.
Hey, man.
You can't park here.
That spot's reserved.

- Who you supposed to be? The valet?
- Dude, you think I'm kidding?

Look, dude, I'm pretty sure you're
a really talented parking monitor,

but this is the student parking lot.
I'm a student so I'm parking here.

If anybody got a problem with it, you tell
'em to take it up with the new black guy.
