
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring
while your lover walks away

Being smart
In a stupid way
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm going to take a break.

I do have an announcement.
I misplaced a pair of gloves a while back,
if anybody's seen them.

-Oh, my God, you were fantastic.
-Thank you.

My old office. I'm no longer there.
I recognized you.
You figured it out.
Yeah. I thought for a second
that you were my third grade boyfriend.

-So you're disappointed?

I'm a Taurus. He was a bed-wetter.
It would never have worked out.
But you look different, like manly and like...
-bigger and more manlier.
-Brier, you're babbling.

More grown-up.
-I'm Luke.

This is my brother Euan.
His views do not reflect my own
or my family's in any way.

I'm just going to throw it out
right on the table, right now.

Naked folk singing.
-But I didn't hear a no.
-Okay, kids. Next stop, L.A. Burger.

You grab your brother, we're out of here.
Wait. So you just threw your glove at her?
