
- Where do I sign up?
- Just sign here.

- All right, in you go.
- Thank you, sir.

Who is this Gutsy anyway?
If I see your ugly face around
here, I'm gonna have you!

- We made it!
- Sight on town.

We're in the Royal Homing Pigeon Service!
The elite of the elite! Fighting
the heroic battle to save...

Save? I'll tell you for this.
Each word like a charm.

So with that I'll be here to sky way.
Cheers mate, good luck. God bless.
If you get back in one piece, be sure to...
Hello? Hello?
Gents, hello! Hello!
- No! There's been a terrible mistake!
- Trust me, this is all gonna work out brilliantly.

Hey! Come on! Come back!
It's so bright.
- Sorry about that.
- You'll be good, you little fellow.

Hey, little fellow! It's not the
size of your wing spand, no!

- It's the size of your spirit!
- If you say so, mate.

- Can't argue with that.
- I'm Tailfeather, this is Toughwood, my brother.

Not the sharp to speak on, block.
