Welcome to Dongmakgol

A boar shows up, you grab his neck
with your left hand

Hit him in the eye three times
with your right

Then his eye's will turn all black
He goes home like that
and tells his friends
Don't go to Dongmakgol!
It's an awful place.

Then they'll never come back!
If it were you,
got hit thrice in the eye,

what would you do?
Take all the boys back with me!
Then... then we shouldn't hit them!
If they all come back,
we can't get all those eyes.

Damn it...
All of you shut up!

Everyone sit down.
You hear me?
All of you, sit!

Let's sit down.
- Son of a bitch.
- Son uva-bitch!

- Mother fucker
- Mother fucker...!

- Son of a bitch.
- Son uva-bitch!

What is it?
The outhouse, sir.
Don't move!
Don't pee your pants.
Come back quick.

Stay in your seat, sir.
