Welcome to Dongmakgol

There's a U.S. Army Club
in Jongno...

It's my dream to become
the manager there...

With a girl on each arm.
Wouldn't that be great?
But my father doesn't understand.
You'll know how he feels
when you're a father, too.

You sound just like him.
Can I call you elder brother?
You're too young.
Call me uncle.

Elder brother's better!
You little pup!
Really, it sounds more friendly.
Do as you like~gosh!
- Elder brother?
- What?

I'm curious...
The first day you saw us...
Were you really gonna shoot me?
Yeah, but the truth is,
I didn't have any bullets!

- Fooled you!
- What? What? What did you say?

No wonder you were
shaking like that!

How could I shoot you
without any bullets?

High Comrade!
Once the storage house is full...
are we to leave?

I guess we'd have to.
Where would we go?
If Pyongyang's taken and
the Allies are moving north...

We have no place to go.
