'You have one message.
'Message received Monday 16th, 6:07 pm. '
'Hey, honey, it's me.
So Julie's having trouble with Ben, again. '
- What's new?
- 'So I said I'd have a drink with her.
'Don't worry, I'll stick to water,
and I'll call when I'm on my way home.
'Did you see the demo cover?
What do you think?
'I was kind of thinking... '
'No messages. '
'Hi, it's Anna. Leave a message
after the beep and I will call you back. '
Hi, it's me, it's a little before midnight.
I guess you're still with Julie.
Give me a call, let me know.
All right? Love you, bye.
'Hi, it's Julie. Leave a message. '
Julie, hi, it's John. Do me a favor.
When you get this message,
have Anna give me a call.
I guess you guys are having a good time.
Thank you.