Wolf Creek

It'll drive me barmy.
Yeah. You're right.
He is cute though.
Think he's really got a girlfriend in Sydney?
Well why would he lie?
He's a bloke.
Can't believe we're leaving.
I know.
Feels like two years, not two weeks.
Want a lift?
I thought I requested purple?
Hey for 1500 bucks we're lucky it's got doors.
I love it!
Hey where's my stuff?
Oh we forgot about food for you, sorry.
Yeah we thought you'd get by on our gratitude and appreciation.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where's the booze?
Oh we've made a decision. After last night never drinking again.
Yeah we've got to get an early start if we want to get to Wolf Creek by tomorrow night.
Piss off. Of course I checked.
How much of an organisation nazi is she?
No, she's right. In bed by 9:30.
Nothing there to smoke.
Knock it off!

Is that your beer?
Archie, pleased to meet ya.
Nice to meet you.
That's a pretty nice handshake there.
I can pack a punch.
You can pack a punch? Now why would you want that?
I would, if I had to.
If you had to? Oooh ho ho.

You wanna listen to some of his bullshit stories.
Aww, bullshit!
In your dreams!
Fuck off!

Boardy! Guts behind me! 10 foot damn spray!
