xXx: State of the Union

Goddamn it, 16 men?
How many more have to die?
This is no longer a budget meeting.
The secretary of defense
has just informed me...

...that 16 of our NSA agents
were killed.

In Virginia.
This is a laundry list of suspects
that covers half the world.

It's time for a new direction.
The new military bill
is critical to that direction.

So it's going in my State of the Union
address this week.

Some privacy, please.
Attorney-client privilege.

Good to see you again, lieutenant.
How long has it been? Nine years?
Not long enough.
And don't call me "lieutenant."
I'm inmate 3655 now.
What you doing here, Gibbons?
What you want?

You. I wanna give you a job.
And why would
I do a damn thing for you?

You ever see lions at the zoo?
You can always tell the ones
that were captured in the wild...

By the look in their eyes.
Jesus Christ. You still coming
with that same sorry-ass speech?

Does it ever actually work?
- From time to time, yeah.
- Not this time.

I'm not feeling too patriotic
these days.

So I want no part of your little war.
You're already part of it.
Somebody's taken out
members of our old unit.

They came for me.
They will come for you.
