xXx: State of the Union

This is the last known photograph
of the suspect.

- Cute picture.
- Yeah. Haircut suits you, definitely.

- near Charlottesville, Virginia.
The assailant is assumed
to be armed and dangerous.

One of General Pettibone's
closest friends...

... was Defense Secretary
George Deckert.

Jack Pettibone
was a dear friend of mine.

And tonight, this nation
has lost a great patriot.

And his quiet contributions
will be properly recorded...

... in history books yet to be written.
From base to base,
Camp Pendleton to Fort Bragg...

... General Pettibone's troops
are en route...

... to Washington D. C.
For the funeral.

They're not coming for the funeral.
Same blood, same mud.
Pettibone and Deckert both served
for over 30 years together.

So that means
Pettibone's troops are also...?

- Deckert's.
- Correct.

What's that got to do
with the funeral?

The perfect cover.
Deckert does the guest list...

...only invites his boys to town.
He's got his army.
Now, he's gotta be loading up.
How would he get his gear?

All orders go through
his department, the DOD.

You want me to hack in?
To the U.S. Department of Defense?
We're talking 500 acres
of hardware.

Cray supercomputers,
encryption chips...

...not to mention more firewalls than
the NSA, CIA and the IRS combined.

Hold my chips.
You know,
you don't have to wait up.

You think I'd leave you
alone with my car?
