Dnevnoy dozor

-Hello, hi, this is Galina Rogova,
mentor of Egor. Sorry to bother you.

-The thing is... your son lost a hat...
-Wrong number.
-You know how many hats like that are in Moscow !
-Good girl, you will go far. Went to the Second Level

-Stop it, I won't be going anywhere.
-I barely could put my hand through there.
-Something be ordered to eat here, right ?
-Did you order already ?
-I don't remember...
-Why are you so dirty, eh ?
-Look who's talking.
-Hi, Boris Ivanovich.
-Oh, Boris Ivanovich !
-And what are you doing here ?
-We uh...waiting for pelmeni.
-Don't you have a lecture to go to ?
-Okay then, tomorrow...
-Definitely. At seven o'clock.
-I forbid you to start unofficial relations
with trainees.

-Too late, Boris Ivanovich. Too late.
-Thanks a lot.
-Salam aleikhum, Zoar.
-Anton, she will soon be a Great One.
and two Great Ones don't belong in a subway
near State Fair.

-Is it me you're talking about ?
