
Hey, kiddo. Kiddo.
What's going on?

The fire!
- Fire?
- In there!

What do you mean?
What are you doing with the dryer?

It just came on.
I was just looking at it.

Well, you shouldn't play
with things like that, David.

- You could get hurt.
- Dad, I wasn't playing with it.

It just came on
and it was making a noise.

I was in...
By... By the television.
What about the television?
Well, come here and look,
and I'll show you. Come on.

It was really strange.
I mean, there was, like,
no picture at all...

There are times when you...
David, didn't we decide
on a bedtime for you tonight?

- It was right after the ball game.
- Dad, I was in bed.

That's weird.
What is?
It won't turn off.
- a Winston money-back

Next time you need to
stop on a dime...

... make sure you have
my Winston brakes.

It's your main power switch.
It shorted right out.
What caused it to short out?
Well, okay.
Take your voltage coming in the main
power station in Canoga Park.

Now, the electric company will tell you
that it's running smooth and steady.

That's a lie.
I mean, you put that thing
under a magnifying scope...

...and that smooth, steady line starts
looking like King Kong's EKG.

Ninety-volt drop-offs,
130-volt spikes.

Pulses, they're called.
So, what are you saying?
Are you saying that I should
call the electric company?

Well, no.
See, in order to
melt the switch like this...

...in my opinion, it'd take
a couple thousand volts at least.

And if the electric company
ever burped that loud...

...it'd blow every damn circuit
breaker in your house like that.

Then I don't understand.
Hey, join the club.
You know, there's a lot of things
I don't understand.

Take lightning.
You know,
my grandpa's house was...

Look, there wasn't any lightning
last night, was there?
