
And I know what I know, boy.
But I'm not telling it.
Not anymore.
No, sir.
Let them call these other poor
devils crazy if they want to...

...but not me.
All right! Sports fans, let's go.
Great. Great seats, love.
Look at this. First-base line.
I think maybe you should sit down.
We seem to have a problem.

Well, it's a long drive, you know?
We don't want to be late.
What is it?
David went over to
the Jordan house this afternoon.

That wasn't very smart, David.
It's dangerous there.
You could get hurt.

I know. I know.
But listen, please.

He seems to think that what happened
at the Jordan house...

...is going to happen here.
It comes in through the wires.
I saw it.
And that night that
you were gone, I felt it.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Come on, now. Just slow down.

You felt what?
The voice in the wires.
He's met some crazy old man
in the Jordan house, and...

He's not crazy.
And Mr. Jordan wasn't crazy.

And the thing that killed him
is in here now.

And I just don't want
to stay here anymore.

And I just want to get out
of this house right now!

- Yeah. Look, look.
- Bill, why don't we...?

Why don't you go upstairs
for a while...

...and let me and Ellen
talk about this.

- No!
- Look! Please.

Just for a little while, okay?
I'm sorry.
Hey. Hey, come on.
Hey, what do you think
you're doing?
