Employee of the Month

- That's not true.
- I really thought that you were different, David.

But you're not. You're not.
You're just a lying piece of shit.

And I never, ever, want
to see your face again.

You can lie to Sara.
And you can lie to me.
But you can't lie to Him.
He sees everything.
May you burn in hell for what
you've done to my daughter.

If I were a man of the cloth, I'd
torch you in your bed while you sleep.

- Here we go, sir.
- Thank you.

Take it.
Where are you?
Thomas Jefferson,
Monticello, Little Mountain.

God damn it!
God damn it!
Let's go, man, "I'm tired of this.
Chicken, wait! Chicken! Wait, wait.
Wait! I'll see your
50 and I raise you 50.

- You're on.
- All right

What TV show broke ground by
having a Mongoloid in the lead role?

"Life Goes On," Corky Thatcher.
Your retard with a dream.

Fuck! Fuck, man, fuck!
What, you've been watching
"Mexican Jeopardy"?

Hey, we're Guatemalans,
homie, Guatemalans.

Yeah, Chicken, there's a difference.
When are you gonna learn, Otto? Huh?
Can't you see this dumbfuck Ruben
is like a walking encyclopedia
of useless knowledge?
