Employee of the Month

and basically lied my way into a job.
And it worked.
And in less than two
years, I had the car.

I had the house. I had it all.
I had become that guy I had
seen walking down the street.

So you did it?
Yeah, I did it.
But I always knew in
the back of my mind...

that it wouldn't last,
because I'm not that guy.

And if I was that guy,
I was just pretending to be that guy.
I'm the guy with the fucked-up face.
- That's who I am.
- You must really hate the guy that spit the gas on you.

You're damn right I do.
But he's the only guy
that came to visit me

when I was in the hospital.
- What's he doing now?
- There's no telling.

- Otto! Oh!
- Yeah!

What the...
Leave us alone this fucking time!
Ow! Man, what are you doing here?
She ain't got no hair down
there at all, does she?

She's all smooth like a fucking candy.
Man, you're scaring
the poor girl. Please.

Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.
Yeah, I bet you say
that to all the girls

just before you throw their
lifeless bodies into the lake.

- Will you...
- Otto?

- What do you want?
- Dead man derby.

Dead man derby. You want to make
some fucking money tonight or what?

- Are you kidding me?
- This Sills guy's got brain cancer.

He's got a metal tube poked in his head.
In his fucking head, man.
I'll give you Jimmy
Riggs. I'll throw in Sills.

That's a two-to-one shot. Puking
up blood like he's Old Faithful.

He ain't going to make it,
so place your fucking bets.

Bet money on terminal cases?
Even Manson would call
bullshit on this freak show!
