Little Caesar

So I beat it east, like I told you.
That's all there is to it.
I wanna run with your mob,
if you'll let me. What do you say?

You won't be sorry for letting me in.
I'll do anything you say.
I ain't afraid of nothing.

You think you're a hard guy?
There's nothing soft about me.
Nothing yellow. I don't quit.

- You got an idea you're good, huh?
- Give me a chance to show you.

- What do you know about me?
- Oh, I heard plenty.

How you run things this end of town.
About this here Club Palermo,
how it's your front. I got told enough.

- I guess you're good with a rod too?
- Quick with it and sure.

Well, that don't go around here.
That's old stuff. This ain't the sticks.

Yeah, I get you.
All right. You stick around.
But, remember, I'm the boss.
And I give all the orders.

And when we split,
we split my way.

- And no squawks. You get me?
- Yeah, sure, Mr. Vettori.

- All right, come on in, meet the boys.
- Sure.

Oh, they're 100 percent, all right.
Every one of them.

There's Tony Passa. Can drive
a car better than any mug in the town.

Otero. He's little,
but he's the goods all right.

Bat Carilla.
Killer Peppi.
Kid Bean.
And this one here, Scabby.
What a smart guy he is.

Come on, Tony. Wake up.
I want you to meet a new guy
what's gonna be with us.

This is...
Caesar Enrico Bandello.
Oh, Little Caesar, huh?
Yeah, sure.
