Grand Hotel

- Hello. Grand Hotel.
- The line is busy.

Who is this?
I can connect you with room service.
Is that the clinic?
This is Senf, the head porter, Grand Hotel.

How's my wife? Is she in pain?
Isn't the child coming soon?

Patience? Would you have patience?
This is Otto Kringelein.
Is that you, Heinrich?

Listen. I've got to talk very quickly.
Every minute costs 2 marks 90.
You know that will I made
before I had my operation?

I want you to tear it up.
I came to Berlin to see a great specialist
about that old trouble of mine, you know?

It's pretty bad,
and he says I haven't long to live.

I say, he says I won't live much longer!
No, it isn't nice to be told things like that.
You plague, bother, and save,
and all of a sudden you're dead.

I want to get something out of life.
I'm never going back
to Friedersdorf. Never.

I'm staying here at the Grand Hotel.
It's the most expensive hotel in Berlin.

All the best people stay here.
Even our big boss, Preysing,
is staying here.

I'm going to tell him someday
just exactly what I think of him.

Hello, miss.
