Grand Hotel

Listen. I've got to talk very quickly.
Every minute costs 2 marks 90.
You know that will I made
before I had my operation?

I want you to tear it up.
I came to Berlin to see a great specialist
about that old trouble of mine, you know?

It's pretty bad,
and he says I haven't long to live.

I say, he says I won't live much longer!
No, it isn't nice to be told things like that.
You plague, bother, and save,
and all of a sudden you're dead.

I want to get something out of life.
I'm never going back
to Friedersdorf. Never.

I'm staying here at the Grand Hotel.
It's the most expensive hotel in Berlin.

All the best people stay here.
Even our big boss, Preysing,
is staying here.

I'm going to tell him someday
just exactly what I think of him.

Hello, miss.
This is General Director Preysing.
I want my home in Friedersdorf, please.

Hello. Is that you, Mama?
How are the children?

What news have you
from the factory, dear?

Is your papa there? Good.
Hello, Papa, is that you?
The conference with the Saxonia company
is set for tomorrow morning, Papa.

If the merger does not go through,
we are in very bad shape, Papa.

Everything depends upon news
from Manchester.

If the deal with the Manchester
Cotton Company does not go through...

we're facing a very bad situation, Papa.
I'm Suzette, Mme. Grusinskaya's maid.
Madame will not dance today.

She will not go to the rehearsal.
She did not sleep all night.

There is something preying on her mind.
I gave her a tablet, a Veronal.
She's sleeping now.

This is Baron von Geigern.
Look here, I need money,
or I can't stay at this hotel much longer.
