Grand Hotel

Mme. Grusinskaya will not want her car.
Mme. Grusinskaya's car
is not to be brought.

- Here.
- Yes, Baron?

- Adolphus is very vexed with you.
- Yes, Baron?

You didn't take him for his walk
this morning.

- Your door was locked.
- You might have knocked.

Don't you realize? That's why
they don't like little dogs in big hotels.

The doors are locked.
They can't get out. You see?

- Yes, Baron.
- I want you to take him for a good walk.

- You understand?
- Yes, Baron.

- Don't bring him back till he's exhausted.
- No, Baron.

Wait a minute.
It's quite all right.
- Hello?
- Is that for me?

No. Mme. Grusinskaya's car
is to be brought.

Mme. Grusinskaya's car is to be brought.
Good evening.
Will you send this to Mme. Grusinskaya?

- Yes, Baron.
- Thanks very much.

Good evening. My key, 168.
- Good evening, Mr. Pimenov.
- Good evening, Baron.

- How is the beautiful lady?
- Grusinskaya?

To tell the truth, Baron,
tonight we're a little bit nervous.

Were you at the theater last night?
I'm always there
when Grusinskaya dances.

- Last night was not so good.
- I thought she was splendid.

Is Mr. Preysing in? I'm Dr. Zinnowitz.
- Mr. Preysing. Visitor.
- Mr. Preysing.

- Here you are.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Waiting? I've been waiting for news
from Manchester.

- No news yet?
- No news.

That's bad. You can't hold out unless
you merge with the Saxonia company.

- I know.
- The Saxonia company will never sign...

unless your firm is tied up
with the Manchester people.

They don't have to. I told you that.
Yes, I know. I'm very much worried.
But I have my agent in Manchester.

I'm expecting a telegram any minute.
You have to create a good impression.
Seem optimistic.

Don't even mention Manchester
to the Saxonia crowd. Be clever.

No, I cannot do that, Dr. Zinnowitz.
I'm used to making my deals
on a solid basis.
