Murders in the Rue Morgue

Oh! Let’s sit
over there, love.

No, mademoiselle,
not there.

Take a seat in front
so that you can see

This gorilla killed six men,
you see.

What a funny-looking man.
He’s a show in himself.
Did you notice his accent?
I wonder where he comes from.
I never heard
an accent like it.

I’m Dr. Mirakle,
messieurs, mesdames.

And I am not
the sideshow charlatan.

So if you expect
to witness the usual
carnival hocus-pocus,

just go to the box office
and get your money back.

I am not exhibiting a freak,
a monstrosity of nature,
but a milestone
in the development of life.

The shadow of Erik, the ape
hangs over us all.
The darkness
before the dawn of man.

It’s all right.
Don’t be afraid.

It’s only a baboon.
I-I’m not afraid.
Neither am I.
Listen to him,
brothers and sisters.

He is speaking to you.
Can you understand
what he says

or have you forgotten?
I have re-learned
his language.
