Design for Living

wait a minute:
immorality may be fun

but it isn't fun enough to take the place
- of 100% virtue
- and three square meals a day

- superb!
- furthermore...

not another word!
that's a curtain

three square meals a day
and Bassington exits
Listen to me Plunkett Incorporated
I'm in love with Gilda
I adore her
I'm quite insane about her
I love you Gilda
that's sweet to hear
Gilda, sometimes I wonder what I see in you
you don't appreciate me
and you know nothing about Art

maybe you love me because I'm an imbecile
must be something like that
I really love you
I'm amazed at myself
it's sincere, that's what gets my goat
I'm very fond of you
you're fond of me, huh?
I don't like that
I know what's the trouble
I swear I'll break his neck
Gilda you're mine.
tell him to get out of your life and stay out
or I'll cut him to bits

- who?
- that fellow of yours, Max Plunkett

well, what's the verdict?
are you jealous?
no, I'm not jealous
the whole point is that
I just don't want any competition,
that it belittles me in my own eyes,
it interferes with my work!

I can't paint when I'm worried
alright, I'll tell Max
see that you do, understand!
