Design for Living

I'm very fond of you
you're fond of me, huh?
I don't like that
I know what's the trouble
I swear I'll break his neck
Gilda you're mine.
tell him to get out of your life and stay out
or I'll cut him to bits

- who?
- that fellow of yours, Max Plunkett

well, what's the verdict?
are you jealous?
no, I'm not jealous
the whole point is that
I just don't want any competition,
that it belittles me in my own eyes,
it interferes with my work!

I can't paint when I'm worried
alright, I'll tell Max
see that you do, understand!
yes, sir
now please go.
I'll see you tomorrow

tomorrow my life begins
- hello Mr Plunkett.
- hello

oh, Mr Curtis
how are you?
I'm well, thank you
good night, Mr Plunkett
just a minute
what are you doing here?
at the moment I'm leaving
I mean, you've seen Miss Farrel?
yes, I have seen Gilda
she's expecting you
she has some news for you
Mr Curtis, I wish to broach a rather delicate matter
it concerns Gilda
sit down
