Design for Living

Edgar speaks:
I'm afraid Bassington that you are right,
but nonetheless boring

Bassington studies his fingernails like a man of the world,
crosses to left

Edgar continues strumming his mandolin
Bassington resuming with his beard
I have only one thing to say to you
immorality may be fun,
but it's not fun enough

to take the place of 100% virtue
and three square meals a day

what's the matter?
so, double-crossing me, eh?
what are you fuzzing about?
you didn't write that speech alone,
and I know where you got it

don't try to lie out of it!
he was in here, Mr Plunkett
and it isn't difficult to guess
why he was here either

so, you've been making love to Gilda
I know, 100% virtue
and three square meals a day

wait a minute
so you've heard that speech before
where did you hear that speech before?
I see.
clean shirt, eh?

so he caught you with Gilda
that's a lie, he didn't catch me
very pretty work.
true blue George

look who's talking about true blue.
I ought to bust you right
in that ugly pan of yours

let's behave like civilized people
it's quite apparent beyond any question
that your behaved in this matter
as a rather common ordinary rat

I'm leaving
where's my suitcase?
or have you sold it to somebody?

this is a little silly.
11 years of friendship

you should have considered that earlier
