Design for Living

wait a minute
so you've heard that speech before
where did you hear that speech before?
I see.
clean shirt, eh?

so he caught you with Gilda
that's a lie, he didn't catch me
very pretty work.
true blue George

look who's talking about true blue.
I ought to bust you right
in that ugly pan of yours

let's behave like civilized people
it's quite apparent beyond any question
that your behaved in this matter
as a rather common ordinary rat

I'm leaving
where's my suitcase?
or have you sold it to somebody?

this is a little silly.
11 years of friendship

you should have considered that earlier
do you mind a personal question?
not at all
are you pretty hard hit?
that's none of your business
and you?
what a pity we had to fall in love
with the same girl

charming, isn't she?
nice eyes
of a sort
well, I guess we're through
looks like it
curious to have a little bit of feminine fluff
breaking up our friendship

quite a dilemma
I wonder if she's worth it?
