Dinner at Eight

Kitty wants to go see
all the great big lords and ladies...

in their big, beautiful house.
lt's for Lord and Lady Ferncliffe.
- Who said so?
- She did.

Why didn't you say so in the first place?
Because you were mean
to poor little Kitty.

Ferncliffe, you know who he is?
He's the richest man in England.

- Goody, you'll go?
- Certainly l'll go.

l've been trying to meet him for two years.
That ties up with the Jordan stuff.

- See, and l did it for you.
- You know what l'll do?

l'll buy up that Jordan stock
through dummies.

l'll use Baldridge and Whitestone,
fellows like that.

- Keep my name out of it.
- Out of what?

Dr. Talbot's come.
Good. He'll take care of you all right.
Ferncliffe. What a break.

- Goodbye, kitten. See you tomorrow.
- That's fine, goodbye.

Come on, Oscar, let's go.
Tina, quick, get me that other jacket,
the one with the fur.

Hurry up, you nitwit!
Clear the things off the bed
and fix it up a bit.

Tina, leave me my book.
You know, the fat one
that Dr. Talbot gave me.

lt says Aspects of the Adult Mind.
- Here it is.
- Leave it here.

Now, show the doctor in.
