King Kong

Steady with those rifles, boys.
- What's that?
- He says, look at the golden woman.

Yeah. Blonds are scarce
around here.

- A gift for Kong, he says.
- Good Lord!

Wants to buy her.
He's offering to trade
six of his women for Ann.

You got her into this, Denham.
I'm gonna take her
back to the ship.

We'd better get out of here
before they think to cut us off.

Guess so. But tell him we'll be back
tomorrow to make friends.

Get going, Ann. Don't be scared.
Everything's all right.

Smile, Ann, and talk to Jack.
Keep your chin up.
- Say, why aren't you in bed?
- Oh, I can't sleep.

The sound of those drums
makes me nervous, I guess.

I think Denham's off his nut
taking you ashore today.

Well, I was a little scared.
- I guess you weren't the only one.
- I wonder what we do next.

That's just what's worrying me.
