King Kong

Get going, Ann. Don't be scared.
Everything's all right.

Smile, Ann, and talk to Jack.
Keep your chin up.
- Say, why aren't you in bed?
- Oh, I can't sleep.

The sound of those drums
makes me nervous, I guess.

I think Denham's off his nut
taking you ashore today.

Well, I was a little scared.
- I guess you weren't the only one.
- I wonder what we do next.

That's just what's worrying me.
Denham's a fool,
there's no telling what he might...

...ask you to do for this picture.
After all he's done,
I would take any chance for him.

Don't talk like that.
I'd say he's crazy enough
to try anything.

Well, I won't go back on him.
When I think of what might've happened
today, if anything had happened to you...

Then you wouldn't be bothered
having a woman onboard.

Don't laugh. I'm scared for you.
I'm sort of...
Well, I'm scared of you too.

I guess I love you.
Why, Jack, you hate women.
Yeah, I know.
But you aren't women.

Say, Ann...
I don't suppose...
I mean...
Well, you don't feel anything
like that about me...
