A Night at the Opera

Don't worry.
The manager, he'll fix everything.

Anyhow, we're together again...
- you and me, just like old times.
- Yeah, like old times.

Yeah, you bet my life.
If you pardon my saying so,
Mrs. Claypool...

Mr. Driftwood seems hardly the person
to handle your business affairs.

- I'm beginning to think the same thing.
- Bravo!

I made it.
How soon does the curtain go up?

The curtain, Mr. Driftwood,
will go up again next season.

- You've missed the entire opera.
- I only missed it by a few minutes.

I can go then?
Was I right? Isn't Lassparri
the greatest tenor that ever lived?

He's superb.
But what would you have to pay him?

What's the difference?
He must sail with us tomorrow
no matter what we pay.

- He would be worth $1,000 a night.
- How much?

- What does he do?
- What does he do, he sings.

You're willing to pay him
$1,000 a night just for singing?

You can get a phonograph record
of Minnie the Moocher for 75 cents.

For $1.25, you can get Minnie.
If you'll excuse me, Mrs. Claypool...
I think I had better arrange
to see Lassparri immediately.

- You are agreed, $1,000 a night?
- Just as you think.

$1,000. There must be some way
I can get a piece of this.

Wait. Why don't I sign Lassparri?
I represent Mrs. Claypool.

But I represent
the New York Opera Company.

Boy? Will you give my card
to Signor Lassparri, please?

What is it? What do you want?
