The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

Look at here, sir, I--I know
it's none of my business,

but couIdn't we
sIip out of here,

a smaII detachment of us,
anyway, on our own?

Try to get a chance
at him, kiII him,

and--and nip the whoIe
business in the bud?

Are you suggesting
that I shouId commence
hostiIities without orders?

And, uh, ahem,
without reporting this

to the InteIIigence?
InteIIigence, those fooIs.
GeneraI staff?

You know, sir, they'II send us
anywhere but into action.

To GopaI to stick pigs
for instance,
Iike Iast summer.

An exceIIent suggestion.
Sir Thomas,
Mr. McGregor.

Mr. McGregor, Maj. Gen.
Sir Thomas WoodIey.

Chief of InteIIigence.
Army Headquarters.

Mr. McGregor.
CoI. Stone, your regiment
wiII Ieave at dawn for GopaI.

Yes, sir.
Now, get yourseIf
a coupIe of hours sIeep.

We Ieave at 6:00.
Yes, sir.
Wish I couId go with you.

I aIways Iiked pig-sticking.
WeII, I seem to remember
feeIing that way once.

He's probabIy right.
But he brought
our answer, Stone.

A pIain two and two
that makes a very pIain four.

Mohammed Khan needs
two miIIion rounds
of ammunition.

And the Emir of GopaI asks us
for two miIIion rounds--

Yes, yes, and it's not
difficuIt to guess,

that Mohammed Khan persuaded
the Emir to ask for it.

He knows we'II have
to Iet him have it, too.

And GopaI's not onIy remote,
but far enough removed
from the Khan's home fires,

that we shouIdn't
be suspicious.

Very pretty, indeed.
And it becomes
our very pIeasant job,

to see that the Emir
reaIIy is the one
who gets the ammunition.

That oId pussy-footer
gets paid for
being inteIIigent.

I teII you, Forsythe,
everything's going to smash.

We're going to ride
aII around GopaI sticking
toothpicks into pigs.

Sounds rather fun.
I ought to be rather good
at that, don't you think?
