Come and Get It

What you think?
Barney Glasgow come up to see us.

Ain't that nice. Mr. Glasgow?
I'm sure glad to meet you.

Glad to see you. Too.
Uncle Swan's told us
so many things about you.

Every time I make Artsoppa.
He says how you used to like it.

I haven't had any in years!

- I fix you some for tonight for dinner.
- No. I'm going back on number 11.

I wish you ain't go.
For your breakfast.
What would you like?

- Fruit and coffee...
- And some oatmeal.

Some oatmeal. And we have
some very fine pork sausages.

- Got chicken livers?
- We've got chicken livers.

I put the order in myself
and I see that you get enough.

- She's a nice girl.
- You bet you she is.

Where's your daughter?
That her.
Take care of that table.
- Hello. Pa.
- This my daughter Lotta.

- Lotta?
- Ja. Her name Lotta. Too.

This Barney Glasgow.
How do you do. Mr. Glasgow?
How do you do?
Why you stand up. Barney?
Sit down. Sit down.

- Ain't he just like what I say?
- Yes.

Father's told me so much about you.
Here we are. Mr. Glasgow.
Here's your fruit.
Lotta. Get the coffee and the toast.

We're glad to have you here.
And your chicken liver
will be ready in just a moment.

- She pretty. Barney. Just like her ma.
- For a moment. I thought it was.

She's smart. Too. She go to school
three night a week. Study hard.

She say. "I ain't going to
work here always.

Someday I get better job."
That's fine. Swan. That's fine.
- So you don't like it here?
- Heavens. No.

I want to go to Milwaukee
and learn something.

I don't want to be stuck here
like Pa and Karie.

We hear that all the time.
Did you enjoy your breakfast?

Yes. Thanks. Very much.
That smells nice.
